@jonarmarzan Cybersecurity hygiene is similar to personal hygiene in that we take a bath, brush our teeth, and so on. To protect your online privacy, ensure the following. Follow @jonarmarzan for more tips about Cybersecurity! #fyp #learntok #becybersmart #onlinesaftey #onlinesecurity #cybertok #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritywithjonar #learncybersecurity #cybersecuritycareers #cybersecurity #cybersecurityphilippines #cybersecurityeducation #security ♬ Genesis - Bravo1-2

Acest video oferă câteva sfaturi simple pe care fiecare persoana să le urmeze pentru a fi protejat în mediul online.

Limbă: Engleză

Materie: Digital & Tehnologie – Siguranța online

Descrierea originală: Cybersecurity hygiene is similar to personal hygiene in that we take a bath, brush our teeth, and so on. To protect your online privacy, ensure the following.

Follow @jonarmarzan for more tips about Cybersecurity!

Autor: jonarmarzan (TikTok)

Data publicării: 13-03-2023

Durata video-ului: 00:30