Acest video propune întrebări și răspunsuri despre dificultățile și evoluția Lui Billie Holiday ca femeie de culoare în industria muzicală a anilor 1930.

Limbă: Engleză

Materie: Cultură & Istorie – Artă – Educație civică – Conștientizare culturală

Descrierea originală: In celebration of Women’s History Month, as well as a tribute to Black History Month last month, we’re incredibly excited to introduce a NEW series, Historic Heroes! This episode explores Billie Holiday and why you should know more about her!! In this video, my friend, Dahlia, talks about Billie Holiday’s journey as a singer, as well as her musical, political fight for the criminalization of lynching. Hope you enjoy!

Firstly, HUGE PROPS to our amazing narrator/performer, Dahlia, for researching Billie Holiday and bringing this story to the channel!! You did amazing!!

Autor: Thomas Sanders (YouTube)

Data publicării: 10-03-2019

Durata video-ului: 07:09