Nel video viene analizzato il saggio “Una stanza tutta per sé” di Virginia Woolf.

Lingua: Inglese

Materia: Cultura & Storia – Arte – Letteratura

Descrizione originale: Women have been given neither the financial freedom, nor the space in which to think and read, to truly develop as individuals. This is why men have authored the lion’s share of great literature. Watch Macat’s short video for a great introduction to Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own, one of the most important books ever written on the nature of literature.

Macat’s videos give you an overview of the ideas you should know, explained in a way that helps you think smarter. Through exploration of the humanities, we learn how to think critically and creatively, to reason, and to ask the right questions.

Critical thinking is about to become one of the most in-demand set of skills in the global jobs market.* Are you ready?

Autore: Macat (YouTube)

Data di pubblicazione: 01-12-2015

Lunghezza del video: 03:38