There are different views on the role of AI in education. For some, it has benefits that suppress the negative outcomes. For others, the cons are far greater than the positive outcomes.
Why Using Artificial Intelligence in Education
AI is an adaptable and variable tool for students and educators. It is a fact that AI is changing the way students are able to obtain and process information and how educators teach. Here are some pros AI can offer.
- Personalized learning:
AI is a special tutor for each student. In reality, a teacher has 200 to 300 students to care for, which is more than teachers can handle. Whereas, with AI, each student can ask questions, learn at their own pace and take advantage of personalized learning. Another important aspect is that students with special needs can take advantage of the adaptability of AI tools and they could have more opportunities and guidance.
- Variability in teaching:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) can generate answers on coding, mathematical equations, literature, and reading comprehension, can solve difficult computation problems, and so on. It can also guide students on their problems about why they must learn a subject, encourage analytical thinking, and motivate them to study. Artificial Intelligence can stimulate creativity if input is provided to do so. It can act as a guidance counsellor, career coach, and life coach in this aspect. From helping to write a story to making a quiz on the subject, AI can offer a large range of opportunities for learning.
Similarly, teachers are not left out either. AI can build a variety of educational content. For example, it can create course plans, attention grabbers for lessons, progress reports, and assignments, and help grade exams. AI can analyse student performance data to identify trends, helping educators make informed decisions and come up with alternatives. With this help, teachers will have more energy and time to focus on interacting with their students.
- Accessibility:
AI is easy to use and access. With the help of Artificial Intelligence, education quality can be improved. Also, with AI taking care of automated tasks and providing individualized feedback, the cost of education will be lower. It also offers inclusivity for students with learning disorders and neurodivergence, as they can seek specific accommodations from AI.
Exemples of AI apps for education:
Decktopus – an excellent tool for students and teachers to make presentations and slides
AskYourPdf – it can act as a teacher to help you learn the contents of the PDF
Elicit – to summarise articles
Quillbot – when writing essays, assignments it can help students with all writing-related tasks.
TalkPall – an AI language tutor
How can social media benefit from AI?
AI is already being used in many systems, but the popularity of generative AI tools, has prompted widespread conversations on its use and continued development. The benefits of AI in social media include the following:
- Creating a more welcoming social media landscape to identify hateful or inappropriate content.
- Gathering customer sentiments to find positive and negative comments or posts.
- Showing users content they might like based on posts, accounts or likes with the goal of further personalizing content and improving the user experience.
Conclusions and Recommendations
The education sector is gradually being transformed by Artificial Intelligence. AI has the potential to transform education by providing personalized, influential learning experiences and enabling educators to be more active.
- How Will AI in Education Transform the Education Sector? (October26, 2023), https://www.decktopus.com/blog/ai-in-education
- Alexander S. Gillis (08 Jun 2023). The impact of AI on social media.