Acest video oferă o lecție antrenantă despre cum plantele se autoprotejează în moduri neobișnuite și neobservate de noi.
Limbă: Engleză
Materie: Științe – Biologie
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Plants are constantly under attack. They face threats ranging from microscopic fungi to small herbivores like caterpillars, up to large herbivores like elephants. But plants are ready, with a whole series of internal and external defenses that make them a less appealing meal — or even a deadly one. Valentin Hammoudi explains some of the fascinating ways that plants defend themselves.
Lesson by Valentin Hammoudi, directed by Juan M. Urbina Studios.
Autor: TED-Ed (YouTube)
Data publicării: 28-08-2017
Durata video-ului: 06:11